We provide opportunity to import parts for all makes and models available on USA market. We will help with even the most rare and complicated orders .
Each order placement is VIN number based, which helps us in identifying and verifing correct vehicle make, model, and parts.
We specialize in importing parts that are:
Let us know if you need:
We also offer large range of accessories such as: diffusers, exhaust manifords and systems, sport suspensions, gadgets, etc.
If you can’t find needed parts in the above list, please contact us. We will do our best to fullfill our customers’ expectations and needs.
We serve you with our knowledge and experience, also when buying on other websites. We will help buying and will ship orders placed on eBay i Amazon!
We sell on Allegro!
Please visit our store at www.Allegro.pl There you can find parts that are already available for you in Poland. Our user id: us_parts_import. This way you can easily find our products there.